
10 Tricks Mematikan Cara Menambah Follower Instagram

Instagram Tricks, Ini adalah Tricks sangat mematikan dan ampuh untuk cara menambah follower instagram. Sebelum saya memulai tricks bagaimana cara menambah banyak follower instagram dengan cepat, saya akan tanya anda terlebih dahulu.

Apakah anda baru di Instagram ?
Apakah Anda Sudah lama Punya Instagram namun follower anda tidak bertambah atau hanya bertambah sedikit saja?

tricks menambah follower di instagram
Follower Instagram
Jika anda salah satunya anda sudah tepat di blog ainkmadeingandaria.blogspot.com. karena saya akan membagikan tricks instagram untuk anda. Bagaimana cara menambah follower dengan cepat.

Jika anda baru memulai menggunakan IG / instagram, saat anda posting Foto pertama kali tentu akan sangat menyedihkan, walaupun foto yang anda posting sudah anda edit sebagus mungkin.

Dalam artikel ini saya akan memberikan ide untuk anda, untuk meningkatkan follower instagram anda agar mereka respect dengan postingan anda. Silahkan gunakan tips Instagram ini agar foto yang anda posting mendapatkan Like dan komentar dan tentu saja jika foto yang anda posting di instagram terlihat menarik dan kreatif dengan sendirinya liker akan follow anda.

Artikel Lainnya :

10 Tricks untuk menambah follower Instagram

  • Saat anda posting Foto/ video di instagram gunakanlah Hastag (#) hastag berikut terbukti ampuh meningkatkan follower #FF(Follow Friday), #instafollow, #l4l(Like For Like), #tagforlikes dan #followback. Dalam ratusan gambar yang acak di instagram, terbukti menggunakan strategi ini bahwa untuk 100 orang yang Like Foto / video , saya menerima follower sebanyak 60 orang.
  • Promosikan Akun instagram anda di akun social media yang lain, seperti Facebook, twitter, dan lain-lain. Beritahu kepada orang-orang apa yang mereka harapkan saat mereka menjadi Follower anda. Misalnya Foto rahasia anda di instagram. Cara ini sudah banyak juga yang memakainya dan memang terbukti meningkatkan jumlah follower instagram mereka.
  • Like dan Comment foto atau video orang lain, ini adalah cara yang paling sangat alami untuk mendapatkan follower.
  • Coba gunakan Hastag yang saya rekomendasikan seperti #love, #instagood, #tbt dan #fhotooftheday. hastag tadi adalah hastag yang paling populer gunanya agar gambar foto anda bisa ditemukan dalam pencarian.
  • Posting Foto/ Video di IG (instagram) pada jam-jam tertentu seperti jam 2 Pagi atau jam 5 Sore. Berdasarkan penelitian ini adalah jam-jam yang efektif untuk posting foto anda.
  • Janga asal follow orang-orang di instagram, sebelum anda follow orang di instagram coba anda cari dan Follow orang-orang yang menggunakan Hastag populer seperti #followme dan #likeforlike, dengan mengikuti orang-orang dengan hastag itu akan banyak oreng-oreng yang follow anda.
  • Gunakan filter gambar, anda harus tau banyak gambar kualitas jelek tidak bagus, lebi baik sedikit gambar tapi kualitas ok. Karena orang-orang tidak akan mau mengikuti anda dengan ribuan gambar yang kurang bagus dan acak-acakan. Caranya silahkan anda pergi ke Edit Akun dan filter hanya menampilkan gambar terbaik.
  • Gunakan Filter Mayfair, menurut laporan Maven instagram Fortune 500, merupakan filter terbaik dan paling efektif.
  • Tulis kolom Bio anda dengan lengkap dan sedikit dengan kata-kata menarik dan dengan Hastag yang sesuai atau dengan tautan link kesitus anda.

Silahkan anda coba tricks Instagram diatas untuk menambah follower instagram anda, karena tricks diatas berdasarkan pengalaman, dan terbukti bisa menambah follower instagram dengan cepat.

Tag :
instagram, follower instagram, tricks instagram, instagram tips, menambah follower, bagaimana instagram, cara instagram, how to instagram,

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2 Cara Upload Foto Di Instagram Lewat PC

Social Media Tricks - Bagaimana cara upload foto di sosial media instagram lewat PC atau di laptop.

social media tricks instagram
Upload Foto Instagram PC

Mungkin anda sudah tepat berada dipostingan ini, karena anda pasti sedang mencari tricks sosial media instagram. Bagaimana cara agar kita bisa posting atau upload foto di instagram dengan PC atau laptop anda. tanpa download instagram For Pc, dengan memanfaatkan browser di pc.

Kenapa kita tidak bisa posting Foto Diinstagram melalui Pc / laptop?

Ini adalah salah satu kekurangan dari instagram, anada hanya diperbolehkan posting/membagikan foto dan video melalui aplikasi resminya yang terdapat pada perangkat handphone saja. Memang kita bisa menggunakan aplikasi/ software pihak ketiga, namun cara tersebut dianggap ilegal oleh instagram, dan lama kelamaan akun anda bisa diblokir karena itu.

Pada postingan kali ini admin akan membagikan 2 cara bagaimana cara posting/ membagikan foto atau video di instagram melalui web di PC atau laptop anda.

Cara posting di instagram dengan tekhnik Spoofing

Cara yang pertama adalah dengan tehnik Spoofing, apa itu Spoofing? tehnik spoofing adalah tehnik untuk mengelabui system bahwa anda sedang membuka instagram melaui web di Pc ataupun di laptop anda. Cara ini kemungkinan besar aman digunakan karena tidak menggunakan script atau APi pihak ketiga.

Simak cara pertama posting foto atau video di instagram lewat Pc
Pastikan PC atau laptop anda sudah terinstall Browser Chrome, kenapa harus chrome? karena browser ini yang memiliki Extension User-Agent Switcher. jika anda belum punya google chrome silahkan download chrome disini

Install extension User_Agent Switcher di Browser Chrome, setelah itu silahkan buka situs instagram.com, silahkan login akun istagram anda. setelah masuk instagram pasti anda tidak menemukan Icon Camera untuk posting atau membagikan Foto seperti layaknya instagram di handphone.
upload foto instagram di pc tanpa aplikasi
instagram pc
Kemudian silahkan buka atau klik Extension (add on) yang sudah dipasang di Chrome browser anda. disana terdapat banyak pilihan Default, Nexus 7, Samsung Galaxy S3 (headset), Samsung Galaxy Tab (Tablet), dan lain-lain. Silahkan anda pilih Samsung Galaxy S3(Headset). lalu halaman instagram di browser anda akan otomatis Reload dan instagram anda sudah berubah tampilan.
cara mudah upload foto instagram di web browser
Tanpa download gramblr

Artikel Lainnya :

Cara Upload Foto Instagram dengan Mode Inspect

Ya..ya..ya... cara ini adalah cara upload foto di instagram lewat pc yang recommended banget menurut saya, karena cara ini adalah cara yang paling sangat mudah dipakai untuk upload foto atau video di instagram. Oke ikuti tutorialnya ya.

  • Silahkan buka browser chrome anda
  • Masuk ke instagram pada browser anda
  • setelah terbuka tekan tombol Ctrl+Shift+i maka akan terbuka inspector di samping browser anda.
  • Tampilan instagram otomatis berubah, dan anda bisa upload foto atau video. atau anda ingin merubah nya dengan tampilan mobile silahkan itu terserah anda. untuk rubah ke tampilan mobile lihat gambar dibawah ini.
upload foto instagram di pc dengan inspector browser chrome
Instagram mode inspector

Oke, sekarang anda bisa upload semua foto atau video di instagram lewat PC atau Laptop anda.
Terimakasih sudah berkunjung, Salam.

Terms Tag:
upload foto, upload video, upload foto instagram, instagram pc, download gramblr, mode inspector, cara upload foto, instagram lewat pc, instagram lewat laptop, cara daftar instagram,

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Meet 5 Android developers working to improve lives around the world

Posted by Maxim Mai, Apps Partnerships, Google Play

Last Thursday at Google I/O 2017, we announced the href="https://g.co/play/gpa2017">winners of this year's Google Play Awards.
Grab some popcorn and watch the href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayXMtOmXXhw">award ceremony, we think
it's just as fun as The Oscars. This year, we included a category to celebrate
the achievements of developers who publish outstanding apps that have positive
social impact.

In introducing this awards category, we were inspired by the UN's href="https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdgs">17 Sustainable Development
Goals. With the ability to reach over 1 billion active Android devices
around the world, we think that app developers have a tremendous opportunity to
impact Zero Hunger (SDG
), Good Health and Wellbeing (href="https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdg3">SDG #3) and Quality
Education (SDG #4), and
many others. Read on to find out more about how this year's winner and finalists
and impacting these goals.

Get in touch about your social impact app or game

Our work in supporting developer success in this area on Android and Google Play
is just beginning. We would like to encourage Android developers with a focus on
social impact to href="https://goo.gl/ZXXGx5">get
in touch with us here at Google Play and to tell us about their app or game.
It doesn't matter where you are based, what problems you are solving, or which
countries you are targeting, we would like to hear your story and maybe we can
help you grow faster and improve your app's quality.

Social impact winner & finalists in the 2017 Google Play

🏆 href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.sharethemeal.app&e=-EnableAppDetailsPageRedesign">ShareTheMeal
by United Nations 🏆

The Google Play Award category winner, ShareTheMeal, generates large scale,
global awareness for "Zero Hunger" and its users' donations pay for school
meals, which are provided by the World Food Programme, in regions around the
world experiencing food insecurity. Over 13 million meals have been donated via
the app since launch!

Miles by Charity Miles

This is a running, cycling and walking tracker app with a social impact twist.
Charity Miles earns money for charity on your behalf for every mile you move,
via its brand fitness exercise sponsors! Users have already donated $2 million
to charity by recording over 40 million miles!

Acuity by Peak Vision

Peek Acuity allows anyone with an Android phone to easily measure visual acuity,
which is one of the components of vision. It is designed by eye care
professionals to be used to help identify people who need further examination
by, for example, an optometrist or ophthalmologist. In developing countries,
over XM [confirm number with Peek Vision] struggle with vision impairment and
many don't have easy access to an eye care professional.

Translator by ProDeaf Tecnologias Assistivas

This app lets anyone translate phrases and words from Portuguese for Brazilian
Sign Language (Libras) or from English to American Sign Language (ASL). This
significantly reduces barriers to communication between the millions of people
who depend on Libras or ASL as their lingua franca and others who have not had
the opportunity to learn this form of communication.

Hero Quest by GLITCHERS

This is not just a game, it's a quest to help scientists fight dementia! It
sounds too good to be true but this really is a game, where simply by having
loads of fun chasing creatures around magical seas and swamps, you can help to
fight a disease that currently affects 45 million people worldwide. In fact
playing SEA HERO QUEST for just 2 minutes will generate the equivalent of 5
hours of lab-based research data.

If you're working on an app or game with a positive social impact, don't forget
to href="https://goo.gl/ZXXGx5">get
in touch via this form and tick the "Social Impact app" checkbox.

How useful did you find this blogpost?

href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScLTlzFd_aV-3rAdBqO1QxwCsuAcDCIM6fJFXyNcyf7zElVXg/viewform?entry.753333049=1%E2%98%85+%E2%80%93+Not+at+all&entry.656324858&entry.1348260426=socialimpact-05/17&entry.1170596605&entry.646747778=socialimpact-05/17" style="color: gold"; >★
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href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScLTlzFd_aV-3rAdBqO1QxwCsuAcDCIM6fJFXyNcyf7zElVXg/viewform?entry.753333049=3%E2%98%85+%E2%80%93+Somewhat&entry.656324858&entry.1348260426=socialimpact-05/17&entry.1170596605&entry.646747778=socialimpact-05/17" style="color: gold";>★
href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScLTlzFd_aV-3rAdBqO1QxwCsuAcDCIM6fJFXyNcyf7zElVXg/viewform?entry.753333049=4%E2%98%85+%E2%80%93+Very&entry.656324858&entry.1348260426=socialimpact-05/17&entry.1170596605&entry.646747778=socialimpact-05/17" style="color: gold";>★
href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScLTlzFd_aV-3rAdBqO1QxwCsuAcDCIM6fJFXyNcyf7zElVXg/viewform?entry.753333049=5%E2%98%85+%E2%80%93+Extremely&entry.656324858&entry.1348260426=socialimpact-05/17&entry.1170596605&entry.646747778=socialimpact-05/17" style="color: gold";>★

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Buat Aplikasi Android Apk

Buat aplikasi android dengan 2 Cara.

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Cara buat aplikasi android

Selamat sore sobat yang selalu menyukai blog saya,terima kasih yang sering nongkrong dan berkunjung di blog saya.
Kali ini Saya akan berbagi apa yang pernah saya praktekan yaitu membuat aplikasi android yang berformat apk.

Semua orang pasti kenal dengan operasi system si robot hijau ini,sistem yang merupakan milik dari perusahaan google ini semakin meningkat saja ketenaran dari Operasi System Android yang hampir menguasai pangsa pasar produk berbasis mobile ini.

Banyak perusahaan-perusahaan yang jatuh cinta terhadap OS android ini,hampir semua perusahaan yang memproduksi phonsel memilih untuk mengembangkan penjualan dengan operasi system android.

Bahkan banyak pengembang-pengembang aplikasi ikut peran serta membuat aplikasi berbasis android,dan mereka pun banyak yang meraih kesuksesan dengan membuat aplikasi android ini.bahkan banyak pengembang-pengembang aplikasi dari indonesia yang ikut peran serta.

Untuk sobat yang sedang menjalankan bisnis,baik itu jualan atau bisnis property sangat bagus jika anda mempunyai aplikasi pada android,karena hampir semua masyarakat khususnya masyarakat indonesia beralih penggunaan phonsel biasa ke phonsel dengan basis OS android ini,jadi sangat meningkatkan trafik dan frofit sekali yah untuk bisnis sobat.

Oke Tanpa panjang lebar lagi kita Bahas cara membuat aplikasi Android apk.dan saya akan sebisa mungkin menulis tutorial membuat aplikasi android ini dengan bahasa yang mudah anda pahami.
Seperti yang diatas saya menyebutkan bahwa ada dua cara membuat aplikasi android yang saya sudah praktek dan buktikan.

Kita bahas cara yang pertama.

Cara yang pertama membuat aplikasi android ini aga sedikit ribet mungkin sedikit susah.yang pertama kita siapkan adalah toolsnya.

Tools / aplikasi untuk membuat aplikasi android

Tools Eclipse

Tools/aplikasi Eclipse ini berupa IDE ( Integrated Depelopmnet Environtmen ) fungsinya Untuk membuat atau untuk sekedar pengembangan aplikasi dari Android,tools ini sangat penting karena dengan tools ini pembuatan aplikasi android dapat berjalan dengan baik.

Tools Eclipse ini banyak dipilih oleh para pengembang aplikasi karena penggunaannya sangat mudah dan tools eclipse ini gratis juga.dengan eclipse ini pengguna akan sangat lebih mudah karena banyak plug-in yang membantu memudahkan dalam pembuatan Aplikasi Android ini.

Anda Bisa Download Tools Eclipse gratis disini     eclipse.org/downloads/


Tools Netbeans ini sama seperti tools eclipse juga tapi tools netbeans ini khusus para pengembang yang mengembangkan aplikasi Android dengan berbasis JAVA.

Tools Netbeans ini sama sama berupa IDE.Dengan lisensi open source,tools ini dapat sobat dapatkan dengan Gratis.
Silahkan sobat download tools netbeans gratis di sini    netbeans.org/features/index.html

Perlengkapan Pendukung untuk membuat aplikasi android

Setelah sobat menentukan salah satu tools di atas yaitu Tools eclipse atau tools netbeans.mana saja yang sobat pilih dan yang sobat rasa paling gampang digunakan.Nah dan sekarang kita memerlukan perlengkapan pendukung dalam membut aplikasi android nya.supaya aplikasi android yang nanti sobat buat bisa menjalankan tools aplikasi sobat.
silahkan lihat tools pendukung dibawah,

Nah sobat silahkan sobat download dan sobat pelajari tutorial-tutorialnya,segala sesuatu pasti mungkin bila kita berusaha untuk bisa,begitu pun dalam membuat aplikasi android.

Bila sobat kurang jelas saya sarankan sobat membaca tutorial tambahan untuk mengerti dengan istilah istilahnya,tutorial ini dari yang pemula sampai mahir membuat aplikasi android.
silahkan klik link nya untuk mendapat tutorial nya.

Sekian cara yang pertama.
Kemudian kita Lanjut membuat aplikasi dengan cara mudah yaitu dengan cara yang ke-dua.

Membuat aplikasi android dengan mudah

Kali ini kita akan membuat aplikasi android dengan sangat mudah,kenapa mudah?karena kita hanya perlu 5 langkah saja dalam pembuatan aplikasi pada android ini,dan tentunya secara online,pastikan koneksi internet sobat stabil yah,biar ga ada kerusakan pada hasil aplikasi yang kita buat nanti.

Langkah 1,
Sobat klik link ini AppsGeyser

Langkah ke-2
Silahkan sobat klik login yang ada di atas sebelah kanan.sobat bisa login dengan akun facebook atau bisa juga Register New user,saran saya sih login dengan facebook saja karena tidak bertele-tele.

Langkah ke-3
Sobat pilih create app,silahkan sobat pilih apa sebuah website aplikasi anda atau sebuah video kah silahkan sobat pilih,pilihan seperti gambar dibawah ini

membuat aplikasi android dengan mudah
Tutorial membuat aplikasi android

Jika sobat memilih website silahkan sobat isi URL website sobat.

Langkah ke-4
Silahkan sobat isi form tentang aplikasi sobat.setelah selesai isi mengisinya lalu klik create app.

Langkah ke-5
Selesai deh aplikasi sobat dan silahkan sobat download aplikasi sobat sendiri.

Owkeh sobat-sobat ku silahkan sobat bagi-bagikan aplikasi sobat yang tadi sobat buat keteman-teman atau siapa saja yang sobat mau bagikan.

Thanks For read this Article

Sampai disini sobat tutorial dari saya tentang cara buat aplikasi android baik dengan cara sedikit ribet atau pun membuat aplikasi android dengan cara mudah.
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Welcome to your New Home on Android TV

Posted by Paul Saxman, Android Devices and Media Developer Relations Lead

Android TV brings rich app experiences and entertainment to the biggest screen in your house, and with Android O, we’re making it even easier for users to access content from their favorite apps. We’ve built a new, content-centric home screen experience for Android TV, and we're bringing the Google Assistant to the platform as well. These features put content that users want to access a few clicks, or spoken words, away.

The New Android TV Home Screen

The new Android TV home screen organizes video content into channels and programs in a way that’s familiar to TV viewers. Each Android TV app can publish multiple channels, which are represented as rows of programs on the home screen. Apps add relevant programs on each channel, and update these programs and channels as users access content or when new content is available. To help engage users, programs can include a video preview, which is automatically played when a user focuses on a program. Users can configure which channels they wish to see on the home screen, and the ordering of channels, so the themes and shows they’re interested in are quick and easy to access.

In addition to channels for you app, the top of the new Android TV home screen includes a quick launch bar for users' favorite apps, and a special Watch Next channel. This channel contains programs based on the viewing habits of the user.

The APIs for creating and maintaining channels and programs are part of the href="https://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/media/tv/package-summary.html">TvProvider
APIs, which are distributed as an Android Support Library module with
Android O. To get started using these APIs, visit the href="https://developer.android.com/preview/features/tvlauncher.html">Android O
Developer Preview site for an overview, and try out the href="https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/tv-channels-programs/index.html">Android
TV Channels and Programs codelab for a first-hand experience building an
Android TV app for Android O.

Later this year, Nexus Players will receive the new Android TV home experience
as an OTA update. If you wish build and test apps for the new interface today,
however, you can use the Android TV emulator or Nexus Player device images that
are part of the latest href="https://developer.android.com/preview/index.html">Android O Developer

The Google Assistant on Android TV

The Google Assistant on Android TV, coming later this year, will allow users to
quickly find and access content using their voice. Because the Assistant is
context-aware, it can help users narrow down what content to play. Users will
also be able access the Assistant to control playback, even while a video or
music is playing. And since the Assistant can control compatible smart home
devices, a simple voice request can dim the lights to create an ideal movie
viewing environment. When the Google Assistant comes to Android TV, it will
launch in the US on Android devices running M, N, and O.

We're looking forward to seeing how developers take advantage of the new Android
TV home screen. We welcome feedback, so please visit the href="https://plus.google.com/communities/112881895888889393129">Android TV
Developer Community on G+ to share you thoughts and ideas!

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Request a professional app translation from the Google Play Console and reach new users

Posted by Rahim Nathwani, Product Manager, Google Play

Localizing your app or game is an important step in allowing you to reach the widest possible audience. It helps you increase downloads and provide better experiences for your audience.

To help do this, Google Play offers an app translation service. The service, by professional linguists, can translate app user interface strings, Play Store text, in-app products and universal app campaign ads. We've made the app translation service available directly from inside the Google Play Console, making it easy and quick to get started.
  • Choose from a selection of professional translation vendors.

  • Order, receive and apply translations, without leaving the Play Console.

  • Pay online with Google Wallet.

  • Translations from your previous orders (if any) are reused, so you never pay for the same translation twice. Great if you release new versions frequently.

Using the app translation service to translate a typical app and store description into one language may cost around US$50. (cost depends on the amount of text and languages).

Find out more and get started with the app translation service.

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Group Messaging in Android Auto

Posted by David Nelloms, Software Engineer

Communicating with a group of people is a common use case for many messaging
apps. However, it may be difficult to know how the href="https://developer.android.com/training/auto/messaging/index.html">Android
Auto messaging API applies to group conversations. Here are some tips for
getting started with group messaging in Android Auto:

Conversation Name

When constructing the UnreadConversation builder, you are required to pass in a
name. This is the name of the conversation that is displayed to the user when
messages arrive.

UnreadConversation.Builder unreadConvBuilder =
new UnreadConversation.Builder(conversationName)
.setReplyAction(msgReplyPendingIntent, remoteInput);

For one-on-one conversations, this is simply the name of the other participant.
For group conversations, it is best to choose one of two options for the name:

  1. Conversation title: If your app supports adding a title to group
    conversations, use the title for the name parameter to be consistent with your
    in-app experience. This field is similar to href="https://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/v4/app/NotificationCompat.MessagingStyle.html#setConversationTitle(java.lang.CharSequence)">NotificationCompat.MessagingStyle#setConversationTitle.
  2. A list of participants: Build a comma-separated list of participants for the
    name parameter to identify the group. Note that this is read aloud by the
    text-to-speech system, so you may need to abbreviate the list for large groups.
    You should balance allowing users to uniquely identify the group with the time
    taken to listen to messages.

Text to Speech Formatting

Getting text to sound natural using a TTS system is a challenging problem.
There are teams working hard to improve this, but there are steps you can take
to create a better user experience with the current capabilities. The Android
Auto messaging API does not yet have an option for pairing participants with
individual messages in a group conversation. This is problematic for drivers
when there are multiple unread messages from multiple participants in a group
conversation, as the drivers cannot see which group member sent which message.
One solution is to prepend the sender's name to the message whenever the sender
changes so that the names are read aloud to the driver.

CharSequence currentSender = null;
for (Message message : myMessages) {
StringBuilder messageText = new StringBuilder();
CharSequence sender = message.getSender();
// Maybe append sender to indicate who is speaking.
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(sender) && !sender.equals(currentSender)) {
if (currentSender != null) {
// Punctuation will briefly pause TTS readout between senders.
messageText.append(". ");
currentSender = sender;
// Punctuation will separate sender from message in TTS readout.
messageText.append(": ");

Some things to note about the above sample code:

  • Adding punctuation is not strictly necessary, but it can produce a more
    natural sounding result.
  • The sender names are converted to lowercase. This is workaround for a quirk
    where the TTS implementation vocalizes ". " as "dot" when preceding a capital
    letter on some devices.

Get participants

In searching for how to handle group messaging, you may have noticed href="https://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/v4/app/NotificationCompat.CarExtender.UnreadConversation.html#getParticipants()">UnreadConversation#getParticipants.
This can be confusing as there is no mechanism to add multiple participants in
the builder. The builder implementation populates the array with the
conversation name passed to its constructor. Internally, Android Auto uses the
singular href="https://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/v4/app/NotificationCompat.CarExtender.UnreadConversation.html#getParticipant()">UnreadConversation#getParticipant,
which returns the first element of the participants array, to populate the title
in the notification view.

Stay tuned

The Android Auto team is working on ways to make messaging with drivers simpler
and more intuitive for app developers. Stay tuned for future updates so that
you can continue to deliver a great user experience!

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Make more money with subscriptions on Google Play

Posted by George Audi, Tom Grinsted and Larry Yang, Google Play

The subscription business model is one of the best ways to make more regular, reliable, and recurring revenue on Android and Google Play. In fact, both developers and users love subscription apps so much that we’ve seen a 10X growth in consumer spend over the past three years and double the number of active subscribers in the past year. Thousands of developers are offering subscriptions through Google Play and are already seeing success with our billing platform. That’s why we’ve been working hard to help you take advantage of this opportunity and give you greater insights into your business and Android users.

New features to help your subscriptions business

You've got a high-performing product with fantastic features and compelling
content, but your business can't succeed without acquiring new users. In
addition to free trials, intro pricing, flexible billing periods, and more, we
recently launched the ability to pay for subscriptions with Google Play
. Although people have already been using gift cards to pay for
Play content in over 20 countries, the use of gift cards to pay for
subscriptions in regions where cash is a popular form of payment, such as Latin
America, has resulted in as high as a 15% increase in subscription spend.

But it's not just about acquiring new customers, it's about retaining the ones
you have. That's why we are introducing account hold, where we
work with you to block access to your content or service if a user's form of
payment fails. This directly links a payment failure to the user losing access
to your content and/or premium features, which is enough to get them to go and
choose a new form of payment. When Keepsafe–the developer of href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kii.safe&hl=en">Keepsafe
Photo Vault, a photo locker for private pictures and videos with over 50M
downloads–integrated account hold, their renewal rate on Android increased by
25%. We have over a dozen developers in early access today, and we will be
announcing public availability at the end of June.

We know data is vital to running your business, so we're excited to announce a
new subscriptions dashboard in the Play Console, and a new
report on Android app subscribers.

The dashboard brings together subscription data like new subscribers, cancellations, and total subscribers. It also displays daily and 30-day rolling revenue data, and highlights your top-performing products. This will give visibility into your subscription products and users and will help guide your business decisions.

Insights to help you grow your subscriptions

In addition to products and features, understanding people's needs is core to
building a successful subscription business. We talked to 2,000 Android app
subscribers in the US and UK and asked them how and why they use the apps they
do. The results shared in 'href="http://services.google.com/fh/files/misc/subscription_apps_on_google_play.pdf">Subscription
apps on Google Play: User insights to help developers win'
highlight some of the opportunities for you to grow your subscriptions user
base, set pricing strategies and learn to keep your users engaged, including:

  • Use free trials to acquire users. 78% of users start with a
    free version of an app, and many cite a discount or end of a free trial as a
    reason to pay.
  • Keep your content appealing and updated to get and keep users
    . It's the most important driver in converting users from free to
    paid users, as well as keeping users engaged and retained.

  • There is a huge opportunity to make money from
    While pricing elasticity varies by category, few users
    cite price as a reason to churn from a paid subscription and 64% either budget
    on a per app basis or not at all (as opposed to budgeting across all app

To find out more about your growing your subscription business with Google Play,
our I/O session
, download
the research report (PDF)
, and get started with subscriptions
with Google Play In-app Billing

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Android Wear: New complications tools and watch friendly UI library

Posted by Hoi Lam, Lead Developer Advocate, Android Wear

Android Wear 2.0 gives users more informative watch faces and provides developers with new ways to build useful apps. These new opportunities have been well received by users and developers alike. To help developers take advantage of these new features, we have released a suite of complication API tools, to make it easier for developers to add complication support to their watch faces, and a new Wear UI library, to help developers build watch friendly user interfaces.

New Complications API tools for Watch Face developers

Complications are bite-sized pieces of information displayed directly on the watch face. They can also be great shortcuts into your favorite apps. We introduced the Complications API last year to enable watch faces to receive data from any app that the user selects, and display the data to the user in a way that is stylistically coherent. Today, we are introducing four new tools to make it easier for watch face developers to integrate with the Complications API:

  • TextRenderer - Auto-sizes text to fit in bounds defined by watch face makers.

  • ComplicationDrawable - A full rendering solution for complications, that handles all the styling for you, and adjusts the layout to fit the space you specify

  • Easy watch face settings sample - Adoptable sample code that makes it easier to build complication settings with a rich and usable experience.

  • Complication test suite - A sample data provider to help check that your watch face can handle all the combinations of fields that can make up complication data.

It's never been easier to integrate complications into your watch faces.

New Wear UI Library for Wear developers

We have provided Android view components for building watch friendly user interfaces since the launch of Android Wear 1.0. Developers have told us that they would like to see these components open sourced. So, starting at Google I/O, we are open sourcing some components and providing some Android Wear UI components in the Android Support Library. This brings a number of advantages, including more consistent APIs with the rest of the Support Library, more frequent releases, and better responsiveness to developer feedback. We will:

  • Migrate Wearable Support classes - Migrate and update Android Wear specific view components, such as WearableRecyclerView, from android.support.wearable.view in Wearable Support to android.support.wear.widget in the Android Support Library. This new package is available as open source. In terms of developer impact, we expect the migration process to be simple, with minor API name changes to bring consistency with the existing Android Support Library.

  • Merge some Android Wear functionality to Android - Some Android Wear components have a lot of overlap with Android, e.g. CircledImageView and DelayedConfirmationView. We will merge the Android Wear specific functionality with the Android counterparts under android.support.v4.widget.

  • Deprecate outdated user interface patterns - Two user interface patterns are deprecated with Android Wear 2.0: the Card pattern and the Multi-directional layout. As a result, we have deprecated all supporting classes, such as GridViewPager and CardFragment. Please refer to the class reference docs for their replacements.

In the first wave of these changes, we migrated the WearableRecyclerView, BoxInsetLayout and SwipeDismissFrameLayout classes to the new Android Wear UI Library. We expect the migration process to continue during 2017, and developers will have until mid-2018 to migrate to the new UI components. For additional information, see Using the Wear UI Library.

Get started and give us feedback!

To get started with these new tools, simply update the Android Support Library in Android Studio and update your gradle build files to import the new support libraries. In addition to the documentation links above, check out the Google I/O session - Android Wear UI development best practice - where lead engineers for these tools will be on-hand to explain the technical details.

We will continue to update these tools over the next few months, based on your feedback. The sooner we hear from you, the more we can include, so don't be shy! Let us do some of the heavy lifting for your Android Wear apps and watch faces.

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What’s next for Google payment and loyalty experiences

Posted by Pali Bhat, VP of Payment Products

Thousands of apps and millions of stores accept Android Pay, a simpler and more
secure mobile payment experience. Android Pay is now available in 10 markets,
with more coming soon, including Brazil, Canada, Russia, Spain and Taiwan. And
in addition to our already announced href="https://blog.google/topics/shopping-payments/android-pay-partners-visa-checkout-and-masterpass/">Visa
and Mastercard partnerships, we'll soon enable a streamlined mobile checkout
experience for PayPal users.

The newest ways to pay with Google

Yesterday, we announced the Google Payment API, which lets people pay in app or
online with any verified credit or debit card saved to their Google Account, via
products like Google Play, Chrome and YouTube.

Paying with Google in the Wish app

For users, the option to pay with Google means breezing through checkout without
needing to remember and type multiple lines of payment details. You simply
choose your preferred card, enter a security code or authenticate with your
Android device, and check out.

Developers who adopt this API can enable an easy-to-use checkout experience for
their customers. Sign up for href="https://www.google.com/payments/solutions">early access to the new
Google Payment API.

In the upcoming months, we'll also enable people in the U.S. to send or receive
payments via the Google Assistant. On your Google Home or Android device, it's
as simple as saying "Ok Google, send $10 to Jane for pizza." All you need is a
debit card linked to your Google account.

Pay friends on Google Assistant

Connect with customers before, during and after purchase

We're also announcing new ways for merchants to engage and reward customers
before they walk into the store and after they've left.

The Card Linked Offers API drives customer loyalty by providing a new channel to
deliver targeted offers, and Panera Bread is one of the first merchants who will
roll out this new capability nationally. MyPanera members who save their loyalty
card to Android Pay can discover offers and learn about new menu items, surfaced
by Android Pay when they are at the store. The offer is redeemed when you use
your MyPanera account at checkout.

Card Linked Offers for Panera Bread in the Android Pay app

We're also making it easier for Android Pay users to add loyalty programs. For
example, Walgreens Balance Rewards® members who manually apply their loyalty
account with a phone number and use Android Pay will receive a notification on
their phone that easily enables them to link that loyalty card to Android Pay
for future visits. This experience is powered by our smart tap technology, which
Walgreens has fully deployed across their 8,000+ U.S. stores.

There's more—we're collaborating with href="https://www.clover.com/">Clover, a First Data company, to expand our
smart tap technology beyond national retailers to businesses of all sizes. With
the upcoming integration of smart tap in href="https://www.clover.com/developers">Clover's developer APIs, you'll be
able to build Android apps for loyalty, coupon and gift card redemption and new
features, such as order ahead and tap for pick up.

Visit href="http://developers.google.com/payments">developers.google.com/payments
for the latest on all of our Google Payment, Loyalty and Offers APIs.

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Android and Architecture

The Android operating system provides a strong foundation for building apps that run well on a wide range of devices and form factors. That being said, we've listened to developer feedback; Issues like complex lifecycles and the lack of a recommended app architecture make it challenging to write robust apps.

We need to make it easier — and more fun — to write robust apps, empowering developers to focus on areas where they can innovate. Today we're announcing a guide to Android app architecture along with a preview of Architecture Components. Rather than reinventing the wheel, we're also recognizing the work done by popular Android libraries.

Opinions not Prescriptions

We know that there's more than one way to write Android applications.  What we're providing is a set of guidelines that can help you architect an Android application to work best with the unique ways that Android interacts. The Android framework has well-defined APIs to handle contact points with the OS, such as Activities, but these are entry points into your application, not building blocks for your application architecture; Framework components don't force you to separate your data model from your UI components, or provide a clear way to persist data independent of the lifecycle.

Building Blocks

Android Architecture Components work together to implement a sane app architecture, while they individually address developer pain points. The first set of these components helps you:

  • Automatically manage your activity and fragment lifecycles to avoid memory and resource leaks

  • Persist Java data objects to an SQLite database

Lifecycle Components

New lifecycle-aware components provide constructs to tie core components of your applications to lifecycle events, removing explicit dependency paths.

A typical Android observation model would be to start observation in onStart() and stop observation in onStop().  This sounds simple enough, but often times you'll have several asynchronous calls happening at once, all managing the lifecycles of their component.  It's easy to miss an edge case.  The lifecycle components can help.

Lifecycle, LifecycleOwner, and LifecycleObserver

The core class for all of this is Lifecycle. It uses an enumeration for the current lifecycle state along with an enumeration for lifecycle events to track the lifecycle status for its associated component.

Lifecycle States and Events

is an interface that returns a Lifecycle object from the getLifecycle()
method, while LifecycleObserver
is a class that can monitor the component's lifecycle events by adding
annotations to its methods. Putting this all together, we can create
lifecycle-aware components that can both monitor lifecycle events and query the
current lifecycle state.

public class MyObserver implements LifecycleObserver {
public MyObserver(Lifecycle lifecycle) {
// Starts lifecycle observation
public void startFragmentTransaction() {
// Queries lifecycle state
if (lifecycle.getState.isAtLeast(STARTED)) {
// perform transaction

// Annotated methods called when the associated lifecycle goes through these events
public void onResume() {
public void onPause() {
MyObserver observer = new MyObserver(aLifecycleOwner.getLifecycle());


is an observable lifecycle-aware data holder class. Your UI code subscribes to
changes in the underlying data, tied into a LifecycleOwner,
and LiveData
makes sure the observer:

  • Gets updates to the data while the Lifecycle is in an active state (STARTED
    or RESUMED)

  • Is removed when the LifecycleOwner
    is destroyed

  • Gets up-to-date data when the LifecycleOwner
    restarts due to a configuration change or is restarted from the back

This helps to eliminate many pathways for memory leaks, and reduces crashes by
avoiding updates to stopped activities.

can be observed by many listeners, each tied to a lifecycle owner such as a
Fragment or Activity.


is a helper class that contains UI data for an Activity or Fragment that serves
to separate view data ownership from UI controller logic. A ViewModel is
retained as long as the scope of its Activity/Fragment is alive, including when
the Activity/Fragmentis destroyed and recreated due to a configuration change;
This allows ViewModel to make UI data available to the recreated activity or
fragment instance. Wrapping UI data stored within the ViewModel with LiveData
provides the data an observable lifecycle-aware home. LiveData handles the
notification side of things while the ViewModel makes sure that the data is
retained appropriately.

Data Persistence

The Android Architecture Components also simplify data persistence with the Room
. Room provides an object-mapping abstraction layer that allows fluent
database access while harnessing the full power of SQLite.

The core framework
provides built-in support for working with raw SQL content. Although these APIs
are powerful, they are fairly low-level and require a great deal of time and
effort to use:

  • There is no compile-time verification of raw SQL queries.

  • As your schema changes, you need to update the affected SQL queries
    manually. This process can be time consuming and error prone.

  • You need to write lots of boilerplate code to convert between SQL queries
    and Java data objects.

Room takes care of these concerns for you while providing an abstraction layer
over SQLite.

Database, Entity, and DAO

There are three major components in Room:

  • Entity
    represents the data for a single database row, constructed using an annotated
    Java data object. Each Entity is persisted into its own table.

  • DAO
    (Data Access Object) defines the methods that access the database, using
    annotations to bind SQL to each method.

  • Database
    is a holder class that uses annotations to define the list of entities and
    database version. The class content defines the list of DAOs. It's also the main
    access point for the underlying database connection.

To use Room, you annotate the Java data objects you wish to persist as entities,
create a database containing these entities, and define a DAO class with the SQL
to access and modify the database.

public class User {
private int uid;
private String name;
// Getters and Setters - required for Room
public int getUid() { return uid; }
public String getName() { return name; }
public void setUid(int uid) { this.uid = uid; }
public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; }

public interface UserDao {
@Query("SELECT * FROM user")
List getAll();
void insertAll(User... users);

@Database(entities = {User.class}, version = 1)
public abstract class AppDatabase extends RoomDatabase {
public abstract UserDao userDao();

Guide to App Architecture

Architecture Components are designed to be standalone, but they're most effective when they're incorporated into an effective app architecture. Today we're launching a Guide to App Architecture that shows how to build a robust, modular, and testable app using Architecture Components. The Guide has three main goals:

  •  Defining principles that apply to Android app development. 

  • Describing an app architecture that works with those principles. 

  • Showing how to implement that architecture using Architecture Components. 

We recommend all developers who have had to deal with these problems read the Guide; Even if you're happy with your existing app architecture, the Guide will have useful principles and insights.

Just the Beginning 

We're planning to continue being opinionated, and to continue to introduce new Architecture Components to make it easier for Android developers to make informed choices when architecting their applications. We encourage you to try the preview and provide feedback on what we're doing, because we're all in this together to make robust Android app development easier and more fun.

To learn more about Android Architecture, check out:

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Google I/O 2017: Empowering developers to build the best experiences across platforms

By Jason Titus, Vice President, Developer Product Group

It's great to be in our backyard again for Google I/O to connect with developers
around the world. The 7,200 attendees at Shoreline Amphitheatre, millions of
viewers on the livestream, and
thousand of developers at local I/O Extended events across 80+
countries heard about our efforts to make the lives of developers easier --
allowing them to focus on the problems they're trying to solve by minimizing the
pain points of building a product.

Earlier this morning, our CEO Sundar Pichai talked
about our various billion-user platforms. Whether it's Android or Chrome or the
mobile Web, our success would not have been possible without the developer
community. And during our Developer
, we covered our heavy investments in tools and services for
developers who build on our platforms every day.

We have a lot to cover over the next three days. Let's take a closer look at the
major developer news at I/O so far:

Platforms that connect developers to billions of users around the

  • Android
    O Developer Preview 2
    — Get a look at the next release of Android O focused
    on fluid experiences that make Android even more useful, and our efforts to
    optimize battery life, startup time, graphic rendering time, and stability.
    Early adopters can opt in to the Android O Beta Program at android.com/beta and run Android O now.

  • Project
    — Last week, we also introduced a new Android framework designed to
    help reduce the time and effort it takes device makers to upgrade a phone to a
    new version of Android, starting with Android O.

  • Android
    — We're optimizing Android to run smoothly on entry-level devices,
    starting with the O release. We're also designing Google apps to use less
    memory, storage space, and mobile data, including apps such as YouTube Go,
    Chrome, and Gboard.

  • Kotlin
    — Android is officially supporting the Kotlin programming language, in addition
    to the Java language and C++. Kotlin is a brilliantly designed, mature,
    production-ready language that we believe will make Android development faster
    and more fun.

  • Android
    Studio 3.0 Canary
    — Our new preview includes three major features to
    accelerate development flow: a new suite of app performance profiling tools to
    quickly diagnose performance issues, support for the Kotlin programming
    language, and increased Gradle build speeds for large sized app projects.

  • Mobile Web — AMP and Progressive Web
    (PWAs) are re-defining
    modern mobile web development. AMP gets content in front of users fast and PWAs
    deliver app-focused experiences that are reliable, fast and engaging. We're
    seeing success stories
    from all around the world - travel company Wego has rolled out a
    successful AMP based PWA and Forbes has seen user
    engagement double since launching a PWA. If you're wondering how good your
    current web experience is, you can use Lighthouse - an
    automated tool for measuring web-page quality. Be sure to tune in this afternoon
    for the
    Mobile Web: State of the Union
    talk to hear more about building rich mobile
    web experiences.

Infrastructure and services to take mobile apps and the Web to the
next level

  • Firebase
    — At last year's I/O, we expanded Firebase to a full mobile development platform
    with products to help you build your app and grow your business. Over a million
    developers now use Firebase, and we're doubling down on our efforts to simplify
    more every-day developer challenges. We're giving more insights to understand
    app performance through Firebase Performance Monitoring, introducing integration
    between Hosting and Cloud Functions, adding support for Phone Number
    Authentication, and continuing to improve Analytics in a number of ways. We've
    also started open
    sourcing our SDKs

  • Mobile web
    developer certifications
    — At I/O'16 we launched the Associate Android
    Developer Certification. This year, we're adding two new certifications for web
    developers: the Mobile
    Sites Certification
    and the Mobile Web
    Specialist Certification

Powerful tools to acquire and engage new users; grow successful

  • Google
    Play Console
    — We announced several powerful, new features and reports in
    the Play Console to help developers improve their app's performance, manage
    releases with confidence, reach a global audience, and grow their business. The
    Play Console also has a new name, to reflect its broadened business uses, and a
    fresh look to make it easier to get things done.

  • Android
    Instant Apps
    — We opened Android Instant Apps, a new way to run Android apps
    without requiring installation, to all
    . Now anyone can build and publish an instant app. There are also
    more than 50 new experiences available for users to try out from a variety of
    brands, such as Jet, New York Times, Vimeo and Zillow.

  • Payments, Monetization & Ads — We introduced a Google Payment API that
    enables developers to give their customers the ability to pay in apps and online
    with credit or debit cards saved to their Google Account. New AdMob integration
    with Google Analytics for Firebase helps them monetize efficiently and updates
    to Universal Apps Campaigns will help them grow their user base.

New interfaces to push the limits of what's possible

  • Actions
    on Google for the Google Assistant
    — We brought Actions on Google to phones,
    introduced new features and functionality, improved our SDK and more. We also
    launched the Actions Console, a new developer console that helps developers work
    as a team, and collect data on app usage, performance and user discovery
    patterns. This new console is integrated with the Firebase and Google Cloud

  • VR
    and AR at Google
    — We'll have more to share on the latest Daydream platform
    features and developer tools during our "VR and AR at Google" session tomorrow
    (May 18) at 9:30 AM PT in the Amphitheatre and on the livestream.

It's important to us that developers are successful. In addition to building
products that help solve developer challenges, we're on the ground in over 130
countries, growing and expanding the developer community through programs such
as Women Techmakers & Google
Developer Groups (GDGs).
We're also investing in training programs like Google Developers
and courses through Udacity and other partners to help
developers deepen their technical capability. We're also excited to announce two
large multi-product developer events, Google Developer Days, which are planned
for Europe (September 2017 in Krakow, Poland) and India (December 2017 in
Bangalore, India). If you are interested to find out more, sign up for updates
on g.co/gdd2017.

During Google I/O, attendees and viewers have an opportunity to dive deep into
a number of these areas with 14 content tracks and 140+ breakout sessions --
covering Android to Assistant to VR -- and all livestreamed. We've also launched
over 70 codelabs to get
developers up and running with our latest APIs today.

Whether it's Android, Chrome, Play, VR/AR, the Cloud, and the Mobile Web — we're
constantly investing in the platforms that connect developers to billions of
users around the world. Thank you to the continued support and feedback from the
developer community.

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